
Everyone experiences anger at some point, however when it is frequent and intense it can a/effect our health, relationships, and work life. Headache, insomnia and digestive problems are just some of the physical issues we can experience, more serious health risks include eczema, heart attack, and stroke. Although not only are we punishing our own bodies when we experience intense anger, we often badly affect those around us.

The adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, blood leaves the brain and gut and rush toward the muscles. This is why we often react with physical aggression and think less rationally.

Issues with ongoing anger come in different forms, but is often the reaction or distraction from inner suffering:

Repeated explosive outbursts which often include verbal and/or physical aggression. These are often severely out of proportion to the event that triggered them and sufferers often voice feelings of the outbursts being out of their control.

Irritable moods and vindictive behaviours. These people may lose their temper and often argue, deliberately annoy, and blame others.

Bullying. Hurting other people and often showing other behaviours such as being cruel to animals, lying, stealing, and destroying property.

At Rochester Hypnotherapy Clinic we assess your anger, helping to identify the root causes and triggers if needed, With relaxation and different powerful techniques, hypnotherapy can help change your reaction to triggers. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and angry, you should feel calmer and more relaxed, where the health of your mind, body, and relationships can improve.